Tutorial | Selecting ad placements to test-drive Opti Engage

Opti Engage is most effective in contexts that feature engaging, interesting content capable of keeping visitors on for extended periods.

Opti Engage is an ad format that helps publishers maximize their inventory ECPM through engaging animated ad templates. To get the most out of Opti Engage, it's recommended to test it on ad placements that meet the following criteria:
  • High-quality, long-form content that keeps users on the page for an extended period of time.
  • Ad placements that have an exposition time of at least 15 seconds.
  • Above-the-fold ad slots that have high visibility and engagement.
  • Sticky mobile and desktop ad slots, which have been found to increase bid values by up to 30% compared to billboards.

By following these guidelines and testing Opti Engage on appropriate ad slots, you can increase the likelihood of greatly increasing your inventory ECPM through Opti Engage.

Step 1. Select one domain to get started

(In case you manage multiple properties)

When selecting an initial domain to test Opti Engage, it's important to choose a property that allows it to work at its full potential so you can later take an informed decision to scale.

Opti Engage typically performs well on sites with content that is engaging, unique, and keeps visitors for a long period of time. Typically websites that contain quality, long-form content with high average time on page.

For example:

  • News websites: news and stories in tech, events, politics, sports, entertainment, and other topics.
  • Digital magazines: long-form articles (music, lifestyle,...).
  • Review websites: editorially written reviews and ratings (tourism, tech, music gear,...)
  • Educational websites: educational resources, such as online courses, tutorials, and quizzes.
  • Blogs: regular content, often in the form of articles or posts 

You should avoid :

  • Sites relying heavily on user-generated content such as forums, classified ads, etc...
  • Sites with low average session duration
  • Sites receiving a large portion of traffic from outside of US, Canada, France, UK, Germany and Spain.

Please note that Opti Engage may under-perform in geographies outside of the US, Canada, and Western Europe. It's recommended to filter out ad requests from those geographies to optimize the performance of Opti Engage.

Step 2. Define an initial set of placements

As for the selection of the domain, we recommend that your initial  selection of ad placements allows Opti Engage to work at its full potential so you can evaluate results properly and be able to make an informed decision to scale. 

When selecting ad placements, it's recommended to opt for anchor/sticky ad placements, as well as in-content placements within long-form content that keep users engaged for an extended period of time.  This type of placements tends to have a higher time in the user's viewport, and lead to better ad performance.

Opti Engage is compatible with standard IAB sizes. To get started with Opti Engage on your inventory, we recommend testing it on a variety of domains, devices, and formats.

Here's an example of an initial setup:
- Mobile_Sticky_Bottom (320x50)
- Desktop_Sticky_Sidebar (300x600)
- Content_2 (300x250)

Our recommendation for ad placement selection, you should opt for:

  • ad placements that have an exposition time of at least 10 seconds (15 seconds recommended) to allow for animations within the ad template, leading to better bid values and monetization. 
  • ad placements within long-form content (articles, editorial reviews,...)
  • ad placements with a variety of sizes 
  • a mix  of desktop and mobile placements
  • In case you have auto-refresh implemented, refresh rate shouldn't be inferior to 20 seconds for Opti Engage to drive satisfactory results. 

Note that Opti Engage is not compatible with AMP placements

Step 3. Implementation

Once you have selected an initial domain and ad placements, you can implement Opti Engage.See here for detailed instructions

Before going live you should make sure that 

- ad requests are only coming from the agreed-upon domains and geographies
- the ads.txt file is updated before sending bid requests to Opti Engage. 
- you added "Opti Digital" in your Consent Management Platform

Step 4. Monitor results 

Once live, Opti Engage now takes part in Prebid auctions, competing against other bidders in your programmatic stack.

In your adserver analytics, Opti Engage will appear as 'optidigital' in your programmatic ad stack. Performance may take 2 to 5 days for the initial ramp-up and approximately 2 weeks for it to reach its full potential

We also provide daily reporting on Opti Engage performance.

Once you are satisfied with the integration and its performance, you can gradually scale it to the rest of your inventory. By doing so, you can potentially see even better results and maximize the benefits of using Opti Engage.

Step 5. Scale-up

After you have evaluated the performance of Opti Engage and are satisfied with its integration, you can start to scale it up gradually to the rest of your inventory and additional domains. 


To learn more about Opti Engage, click here