How to block advertiser domain and IAB categories on Opti Engage

Blocking advertiser domains and categories using the OpenRTB standard is a crucial aspect of managing your ad inventory effectively. It maintains control over the type of ads displayed on your platform, improve user experience, and ensure the integrity of your content.

Blocking Advertiser Categories

This is how to effectively block advertiser domains using the OpenRTB standard.

Step 1. Download openRTB specifications (version 2.5)
Before implementing domain and category blocking, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of OpenRTB. Head to Section 3.2.1 Object: BidRequest

Step 2. Refer to IAB Content Categories (List 5.1)
This list categorizes various types of content that advertisers might want to target. You can find the IAB content category list on the IAB website or in your OpenRTB documentation.

Step 3. Choose Categories to Block
Select the specific categories from List 5.1 that you want to block. These categories could include things like "IAB1" for Arts & Entertainment or "IAB7" for Health & Fitness. You can block multiple categories by including them in your 'bcat' array.

Step 4. Implement the Blocking
In the 'bcat' field of your OpenRTB configuration, specify the selected categories in the string array format. For example:

"bcat": ["IAB1", "IAB7"]

After implementing the 'bcat' field with your chosen categories, test and validate the blocking to ensure that ads from these categories are effectively restricted from appearing on your platform.

Blocking advertiser domains

Blocked Advertiser Domains is a field in the OpenRTB standard. Specify the blocked advertiser domains in the string array format. For example:

"badv": ["", ""]

This allows you to control which advertisers can display their ads on your platform and maintain the quality and relevance of the advertisements presented to your audience.